Sådan opretter du flipbøger i høj opløsning

Opløsningen af en flipbook har uden tvivl meget indflydelse på brugeroplevelsen. Jeg tror også mange forlag er klar over det, da vi ofte får henvendelser om opløsningen af vores bladre. “Bladebogen, jeg lavede, er ikke så tydelig som den originale PDF; teksten og billederne er lidt uklare. Er der andet, jeg kan indstille?" Let’s see how to create high-resolution flipbooks to enhance the viewing experience.

Sådan opretter du flipbøger i høj opløsning

What factors influence the resolution of a flipbook

The resolution of the flipbook depends on the resolution of the original PDF/image and how the render engine in the program works.

  • Original PDF/billede: Whether you are importing PDFs or images, we would suggest that you keep the PDF page or image size (width and height) the same so that they are not stretched after importing into the program.
  • Rendermotorer: Lige nu er der 4 gengivelsesmotorer i Windows-versionen og 3 til Mac-versionen. In the Windows version of the program- New Engine, Text HD, Ghostscript, Library. In the Mac version of than program- New Engine, Text HD, Library

How do we choose the render engine when importing the PDF?

1. New Engine

[New Engine] can generally render pages with better quality without affecting the speed of loading. This is also the default render engine for our programs.

2. Text HD

[Text HD] is a vector render engine, which means the text in the PDF can expand to any size without losing its resolution. However, this engine is not 100% perfect, although it can increase the resolution of text, there are some disadvantages, for example, the flipbook files rendered with this engine can be very large. Larger-sized high resolutions can take up a lot of bandwidth and slow down loading time. We also do not recommend using this engine if you have embedded fonts in the PDF.

3. Ghostscript (in Windows version)

You are also able to use the Ghostscript engine if you do not have particularly requirements for the resolution of your flipbook pages. It’s a never-go-wrong engine.

4. Library

[Library] is the most basic render engine. It can render most PDFs without any errors, but the pages rendered by this engine may be fuzzy-looking. We recommend that you use this engine only when other engines are not working properly.

hvordan man laver højopløselige flipbooks-render-motorer

Sammenligning af motorydelse

Opløsning: Tekst HD > Ny motor > Ghostscript > Bibliotek
Hastighedssammenligning: Bibliotek > Ghostscript > Ny motor > Tekst HD
Outputfilstørrelse: Tekst HD > Ny motor > Ghostscript > Bibliotek

Er der andre indstillinger udover disse?

Ud over at forbedre opløsningen af den originale PDF/billede og skifte til en mere egnet gengivelsesmotor, kan du også ændre billedformatet på outputsiderne og sideparametrene.

hvordan man laver højopløselig flipbook-sidekvalitet

Tydeligere sider vil resultere i større datafiler og lange indlæsningstider. Som sådan, i stedet for at stræbe efter den højeste opløsning, er det vigtigere at vælge den rigtige.


For at opsummere vil de fem metoder, der er anført nedenfor, hjælpe dig med at forbedre opløsningen af din flipbog.

  • Improve the quality of your original PDF/images.
  •  Select the best render engine for your PDF/images.
  • In the page quality settings, use [PNG].
  • Select another option in the page quality parameter.
  • In [Settings], enable [Page Quality Optimization].
hvordan man laver kvalitetsoptimering af flipbook-sider i høj opløsning

You’ve learned the trickes! Try it out with your PDF/images in the program! If you have any further questions, feel free to leave us a message.



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