Autor Glenn Kan
Aktualizácia: Flipbuilder je 100% bezpečný pre chyby zabezpečenia Log4j
Lots of clients enquired about Log4j issue. We have run a full security check of all our online services right after we get notice. Flipbuilder is 100% safe, and free risks of the Log4j flaws, for Flipbuilder DO NOT USE Log4j in our online hosting services at all. However, if you embed our books in…
Preklad/kontrola viacjazyčného používateľského rozhrania
Deadline: November 11, 2022 Flipbuilder is dedicated to making the best products possible. To better serve users speaking different languages, the Flip PDF Plus user interface is now available in a number of different languages. As a translator, you can help proofread existing translations or create translations for a new language (from English to a…