10 款最佳傳單製作軟件免費下載,適用於在線和打印格式

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您是否正在尋找可免費下載並可幫助您製作具有專業外觀的在線和印刷格式傳單的數字傳單製作軟件?不要再觀望!在本文中,我們將討論 10 個最佳 傳單製作軟件 您可以免費下載並立即開始製作獨特的傳單。

Digital Flyer Maker Software – Flip PDF Plus Pro

Flip PDF Plus Pro 是一款功能強大的數字傳單製作軟件,可讓您製作具有逼真的翻頁效果的精美傳單。它易於使用並具有廣泛的功能,可幫助您立即製作出具有專業外觀的傳單。 Flip PDF Plus Pro 的一些主要特性包括:

  • 移動友好: Flip PDF Plus Pro 創建適合移動設備的傳單,可以在任何設備(包括智能手機和平板電腦)上查看。此功能可以幫助您覆蓋更廣泛的受眾並使您的傳單更易於訪問。
  • 逼真的翻頁效果: Flip PDF Plus Pro 允許您創建逼真的翻頁效果,模仿閱讀實體傳單的體驗。
  • 多媒體整合: 您可以添加多媒體元素,例如圖像、GIF、視頻、音頻、鏈接、觸發動作和動畫,使您的傳單更具吸引力和互動性。此功能可以幫助您創建與眾不同且令人難忘的傳單。

Top 10 Professional Flyer Software Free Download

1. FlipBuilder

FlipBuilder is a desktop software that allows you to create digital flyers with a realistic page-flipping effect. With FlipBuilder, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. FlipBuilder offers a free trial version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

2. FotoJet

FotoJet is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With FotoJet, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. FotoJet is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


3. BeFunky

BeFunky is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With BeFunky, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. BeFunky is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


4. DesignBold

DesignBold is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With DesignBold, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. DesignBold is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


5. DesignWizard

DesignWizard is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With DesignWizard, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. DesignWizard is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


6. DesignCap

DesignCap is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With DesignCap, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. DesignCap is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


7. MyCreativeShop

MyCreativeShop is a web-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, including flyer templates. With MyCreativeShop, you can easily create professional-looking flyers by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. MyCreativeShop offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.


8. CorelDRAW

CorelDRAW is a desktop software that allows you to create professional-looking flyers for online and print formats. With CorelDRAW, you can easily create custom layouts, add images and text, and export your flyer in various formats. CorelDRAW offers a free trial version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.



GIMP 是一款免費的桌面軟件,可讓您創建具有專業外觀的在線和印刷格式傳單。使用 GIMP,您可以輕鬆創建自定義佈局、添加圖像和文本,以及以各種格式導出傳單。 GIMP 是免費使用和開源的。


10. Scribus

Scribus 是一款免費的桌面軟件,可讓您創建具有專業外觀的在線和印刷格式傳單。使用 Scribus,您可以輕鬆創建自定義佈局、添加圖像和文本,以及以各種格式導出傳單。 Scribus 是免費使用和開源的。



In conclusion, there are many flyer maker software options available for free download that can help you create professional-looking flyers for online and print formats. Whether you are looking for a cloud-based design tool, a web-based design tool, or desktop software, there is a software option available for you. Try out some of the options listed above and start creating unique flyers today!
