How to Create A 3D Book Online

Create engaging eBooks with 3D page-turning effects, from your local PDF files in some simple steps, using the Flip PDF Plus Pro software developed by FlipBuilder. This is an excellent tool for eMagazines, Cookbooks, or Business Presentations, that can be seamlessly read on any device, from desktops, televisions, mobiles, and tablets. Without further delay, let’s learn how to create a 3D book with the Fllip PDF Plus Pro to interact with the audience and give your content the attention it deserves. 

The Simple 4-step Process to Make Your Own 3D Book

Step 1: Import Your PDF File into Flip PDF Plus Pro

To start with this awesome idea, first launch your Flip Builder Pro software, and from the main window, import the PDF file of your book. The import itself is going to instantly turn the PDF pages into a flip-through book.

create a 3D book-import pdf

Step 2: Do More with Template Settings

You can add interesting templates to your book to go with the 3D projection. Go to the “Template” section” and choose from an array of templates that are suitable for your 3D Book. Then, you can choose from the available “Themes”. Next up, you can set the background in the same panel. Just scroll down the options of each, and click on them to preview the design. Another feature you could use in 3D flip books is the “Scenes”. While the “Background” feature inserts an image at the back of your content, the “Scenes” sets a backdrop for the reading interface of the book. This adds a different ambiance to the readability of your 3D book. There are a host of scenes to make it worthwhile, including animated backgrounds like falling autumn leaves, snowing, marine world, and lots more.

create a 3D book

Step 3: Add a Voice Assistant

If you want the touchup of certain text popups, tips, or even audio inputs, you can get help from the “Assistant” feature, which has some cool tricks to make your book full of interesting and informative elements.

3D flipbook maker

Step 4: Publishing 3D Books

To publish, just select from the arrow under the “Publish” button in the toolbar menu. There are multiple output programs supported by the Flip programs. You can choose from EXE, HTML, APP, APK, and WordPress plug-in versions. The option of HTML will make your book viewable online and across diverse devices, with a one-time upload. Moreover, you can even send your 3D eBook as an email, as an HTML file. You can otherwise purchase the FlipBuilder Hosting Add-on Service and select the option of “Upload Online” to publish in the cloud platform of your account. From thereupon you can share your book on various platforms, including websites, social media, and emailing.


In the constantly evolving age, digital publications are a growing trend for content creators to attract the audience. It is an effective way to create online 3D ebooks to capture the audience’s attention and offer them an immersive reading experience. Flip PDF Plus Pro is a go-to 3D PDF creator that transforms static PDFs into interactive digital books featuring 3D page-turning effects and sound. Give it a go and create a 3D book to wow your audience.

Convert Your PDF to A Flipbook Easily



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