Cum să publicați o carte de bucate digitală

The love for food in us is something that frequently pushes us to upload photos of it on Instagram and mentally amend dishes served at restaurants. If you have successfully racked up some followers on your social networking sites and wish to take it up a notch then it’s high time you come up with your own carte digitală de bucate.

Here’s How You May Proceed 

Partea I: Pregătiți cartea de bucate

The first step to organizing your cookbook is to connect the dots between the type you are aiming at, the reason for framing it, and your target audience. Get a cue from the steps below:

Pasul 1: Decide on the genre/story and develop around it. For instance, select the subject, whether you wish it to be something comprehensive, restaurant-based, beginner-level, a memoir hybrid, a chef-based one, or a comprehensive resource.

Pasul 2: Confirm your niche. To make your digital cookbook stand out from the rest, take advantage of your unique cooking style and make it the focus of your book.

Pasul 3: Determine its use by narrowing it down to your ideal readers, alternatively the target audience. Review a few questions in mind to arrive at a decision- ‘how good are they at cooking?’, ‘are they risk-takers?’, ‘What other cookbooks do they have in possession?’, ‘What are their favorite dishes?’ etc.

Pasul 4: Research the current food trend. You may check the internet, and take the personal opinion of your friends and acquaintances to arrive at this decision. This shall eventually help you narrow down to a scope.

Pasul 5: Planificați starea de spirit sau senzația cărții de bucate. Dacă scopul este de a împărtăși rețete sau de a le baza pe o narațiune, ar trebui să fie un lucru de decis. Un sfat ar fi să vă stabiliți cu o narațiune care surprinde o poveste.

Pasul 6: Stick to the main objective of including great recipes that would motivate readers to rush to kitchens. Don’t forget to mention serving quantity, preparation time, and alternatives, all in a well-organized list. Apart from the ingredient list, focus on the basics of preparation instructions such as maintaining clarity throughout, specifying heat levels, the timing involved in each step, and mentioning the cookware dimensions, all at the same time.

Part II: Designing the Layout

Acest pas este unul atotcuprinzător, care implică structurarea lui până la proiectarea aspectului. Să vedem cum:

Pasul 1: Connect with your readers through a stellar introduction. Bring some personal elements into it by introducing yourself, sharing your cooking style, and how significant food is to you.

Pasul 2: Build up a rapport with your readers by framing recipe introductions, citing what you love the most about it, and sharing with them the complete flavor detail.

Pasul 3: Vinde-ți cartea de bucate cu o copertă grozavă. Aici, angajarea unui designer de coperti ar fi lucrul ideal de făcut. Veniți cu ceva captivant ca în imaginea de mai jos.

Pasul 4: Generate a positive reader experience, using lists of instructions, and a plethora of visual elements such as photographs, tables, and glossaries. You may take the assistance of Flip PDF Plus Pro, an e-publishing software suite of Flip Builder, to customize templates, add text, design hard book covers, and even decide on the size.

Pasul 5: Ispitește cititorii prin imagini captivante. Totuși, angajarea unui stilist alimentar sau a unui fotograf profesionist ar părea grozavă dacă ești amator în fotografie.

Pasul 6: Recunoaște oamenii care te-au ajutat să vină cu rețeta incredibilă.

Partea a III-a: Publicarea cărții digitale de bucate

After much hard work going into designing the layout, now comes the most awaited section- ‘publishing’!

Pasul 1: Research diverse publishing platforms. Each ebook publisher differs with respect to royalties paid to authors, the scope of the audience, and privacy protection. Go through each of them before shortlisting one to earn the greatest reputation and returns.

Pasul 2: Change the format of your file to an epub. You may even make the most of online automated epub converters like ‘Online Convert’, ‘Convertio’, ‘Zamzar’, EPUB Converter, etc.

Pasul 3: Publicați folosind KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), gratuit, pe Kindle Marketplace.

Pasul 4: Take into consideration other ebook publishers. If your digital cookbook is epub-ready then you may approach Nook, Smashwords, etc. Most of them offer free-of-cost services while premium packages incur a fee. On the brighter side, these shall help you reach a wider audience, unlike KDP.

Pasul 5: Self-publish your digital cookbook. If you wish to penetrate deeper into the crowd, by targeting the Internet, instead of a specified site, then explore special software packages. Calibru, OpenOffice, și Adobe Acrobat Pro are standard programs.

Create a Stunning Digital Cookbook

If you wish to take it a notch higher, consider Flip PDF Plus Pro, an all-in-one digital book creator. By enriching its content, hosting abundant pre-designed templates, and applying the page-turning style, it generates a Efect de răsturnare a paginii 3D. A cookbook URL is all you need to start off when utilizing Flip PDF Plus Pro. Otherwise, you are free to share it online as illustrated below. Your passion for cooking and your culinary skills can now be translated into digital pages. So prepare your recipes and reach out to readers around by sharing with them your very own cookbook!

Convertiți-vă PDF-ul într-un Flipbook cu ușurință



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