Building eBooks with flipping book conversion in mind

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The eBook game has changed. While eBooks are still the best way to provide thought leadership and subject knowledge, the ability to flipbook8 embed rich media changes what we can share with our readers. This combined with a more graphic and visual expectation by our prospects means while content is still king, it’s queen is visual appeal. ?now that it requires little effort to create a flash based flip book that you can publish anywhere, the design decisions you make when first building your piece of work should change. This requires a bit more planning as you script your work.

When starting an eBook the core steps of writing have not changed. You want to start with a topic, then write a short synopsis. Once you finish your synopsis, outline the chapters and sections, and then if you want to be really thorough, write up a synopsis for each chapter and section. This is writing 101 and no technological advance in design and delivery will change the basics of how to write.

What is different is your ability to express your thoughts through rich media. You do month have to describe what happened in a video, or how to adjust something, you can share the video. You can accompany an image with audio, even create a character that narrates your work. You can share an entire catalog of images on one page and really get your point across. The new options are endless and as we grow in our attempts to wow our readers, our ideas and combinations of content and design will expand.

A good flip book may require a storyboard, like a movie or a comic, to help the author ge a grasp on what should be written and what should be shared through audio or videThis what have you done differently since using flipping book technology?
