Best practices for sharing eBooks on social networks

Compared with paper books, eBooks are more popular in this digital era. Readers love the eBook because they can access it with ease, anytime and anywhere; Sellers love the eBook because they can make a fortune from it. All in all, eBooks are hot. And for whatever purpose, authors, eBook sellers and distributors and marketers try every means to make their eBooks accessible, searchable and sharable. They hire affiliate services and even launch advertising campaign such as Google Adwords, which of course might have an impact on their budget. And there are some other ways: email marketing and Newsletter campaign. Indeed, these two methods play an important role in marketing and help boost the sales, yet they have disadvantages. Marketers keep bombarding the contacts in their email lists, but they just overlook the fact that most people don’t like being bombarded with endless emails and they will likely regard these emails as spam. share-ebook-on-social-networks

After investigating and reviewing others’ ideas, tips and solutions, I figure out the following practices for sharing eBooks on social networks.

1.? Make sure your eBooks online. The advent of the Internet makes it possible and easy to share info with people from all over the world. Taking the advantages of the Internet will help you share your eBooks widely and effectively. So why not make your eBooks live on website.

2.? Focus on your content. Content marketing is ranked as an important and effective strategy for marketing, so creating a high quality content eBook will help you attract more readers. Yet, this does not mean you should pay full attention to your book content because your broadcast for the eBook on website and social networks is equally important. So it’s wise to make both your book content and online description SEO-friendly.

3.? Classify your audience. In a broad sense, eBooks include not only digital story books (most of which require eBook reader), but also e-Catalogs, e-Brochures and so on. When sharing your eBooks on social networks, you will get better results to customize your feeds based on your target audience. For example, if you are selling products via e-Catalog, you are not suggested to write “eBook” on your post. And it’s a good idea to share your books on multiple social networks, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can even create videos for you wonderful eBooks to share on YouTube.

4.? Make it easy to share on social networks. The magic of social networks is that they enable your message spread like virus. However, you can make it better by enabling readers to share your eBooks with ease. You can create a share button for each social network and your readers can share your eBooks simply with a button click.

5.? Make use of third-party services. If you are an eBook seller and want to make a profit by?selling your eBooks, why not take advantage of the reputable book selling sites like Amazon Kindle? You can refer to?”20 Websites to Sell Your eBook“.

What else suggestions have you got? I would love to hear your original points of view.


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