10 najlepších bezplatných stiahnutí softvéru na tvorbu brožúr na vytváranie profesionálnych brožúr


Hľadáte softvér na tvorbu brožúr, ktorý si môžete bezplatne stiahnuť a ktorý vám pomôže vytvoriť brožúry s profesionálnym vzhľadom? Nehľadaj ďalej! V tomto článku budeme diskutovať o top 10 brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo a začnite vytvárať jedinečné brožúry ešte dnes.

Best Digital Pamphlet Maker SoftwareFlip PDF Plus Pro

Flip PDF Plus Pro je výkonný softvér na vytváranie digitálnych brožúr, ktorý vám umožňuje vytvárať úžasné brožúry s realistickým efektom listovania strán. Ľahko sa používa a je dodávaný so širokou škálou funkcií, ktoré vám pomôžu vytvoriť profesionálne vyzerajúcu brožúru. Niektoré z kľúčových funkcií Flip PDF Plus Pro zahŕňajú nasledujúce:

  • Realistický efekt prevrátenia stránky: Flip PDF Plus Pro vám umožňuje vytvoriť realistický efekt listovania strán, ktorý napodobňuje zážitok z čítania fyzickej brožúry. Táto funkcia vám môže pomôcť vytvoriť pre vaše publikum pútavejší a pútavejší zážitok z čítania.
  • Multimediálna integrácia: Môžete pridať multimediálne prvky, ako sú obrázky, text, videá, zvuk, odkazy, spúšťacie akcie a animácie, aby bola vaša brožúra pútavejšia a interaktívnejšia. Táto funkcia vám môže pomôcť vytvoriť jedinečný a nezabudnuteľný leták, ktorý sa odlišuje od ostatných.
  • Vhodné pre mobilné zariadenia: Flip PDF Plus Pro vytvára brožúry vhodné pre mobilné zariadenia, ktoré je možné zobraziť na akomkoľvek zariadení vrátane smartfónov a tabletov. Táto funkcia vám môže pomôcť osloviť širšie publikum a sprístupniť vašu brožúru.

10 Best Pamphlet Maker Software You Can Choose

1. FlipBuilder

FlipBuilder is a desktop software that allows you to create digital pamphlets with a realistic page-flipping effect. With FlipBuilder, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. FlipBuilder offers a free trial version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

softvér na výrobu brožúr

2. Canva

Canva is a popular graphic design platform that offers a wide range of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Canva, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Canva is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

3. Marp

Marp is a cloud-based design and publishing tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Marp, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Marp offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

4. Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Adobe Spark, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Adobe Spark is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

5. Piktochart

Piktochart is a web-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Piktochart, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Piktochart offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

6. Visme

Visme is a cloud-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Visme, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Visme offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

7. DesignCap

DesignCap is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With DesignCap, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. DesignCap is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

softvér na výrobu brožúr

8. Crello

Crello is a free online design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With Crello, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. Crello is free to use, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

9. MyCreativeShop

MyCreativeShop is a web-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With MyCreativeShop, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. MyCreativeShop offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo

10. PosterMyWall

PosterMyWall is a web-based design tool that offers a variety of templates, including pamphlet templates. With PosterMyWall, you can easily create professional-looking pamphlets by choosing from their pre-designed templates or creating your own design from scratch. PosterMyWall offers a free version, but some of its premium features require a subscription.

brožúrky na stiahnutie zadarmo


In conclusion, there are many pamphlet maker software options available for free download that can help you create professional-looking pamphlets. Whether you are looking for a cloud-based design tool, a web-based design tool, or desktop software, there is a software option available for you. Try out some of the options listed above, including FlipBuilder, and start creating unique pamphlets today!
