Getting the most out of your content marketing efforts

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Is-Google-God “According to Google, content is still king.” – Every Marketer

According to Google? How about according to your audience!

People coming to your web properties are coming to first take a sample of your content and if they enjoy the taste, devour as much as you can offer. It is imperative that you make the most of this behavior as buyers are more and more making decisions on what to purchase based on what we can deliver via online content. Here are some tips/steps to making the most of your content marketing.

  1. When you share content on a social network, always offer a compelling path to click. Don’t just depend on the linking title to get the point across, add some value. A quote from the work followed by a suggestion to follow the path is often just the?something?extra needed to increase views.
  2. Lead with your best content. Publish your most effective documentation first. Get people excited and then every time you publish they will devour it.
  3. Use categories and tagging in any medium that permits it. Once you hit a vein of readership, you want to make it easy for people to read more. You never know what passage or image will trigger a buying decisions, but the longer you keep people engaged and moving from what they found to what matters, the more likely they will purchase.
  4. Give people the option to act and request more information. Always have paths to contact with your content.
  5. Keep generating fresh content. Recycling content is a good way to maximize views, but you need to be adding to your libraries to increase loyalty and?bandwidth.

I hope these tips help you in your efforts and keep in mind, the slickest way to share your content is a flip book.
