Engaging readers by asking questions

Sometimes the best questions cannot be answered without reflection. They can make your change your perspective and can even force you to change your mind. As a writer, teacher or leader, when sharing content it is always

Question mark from Kennedy SRMS

good to ask these questions and strive to spark new ideas in the minds of your readers. The right question can be the mark of a great piece of work.

While these questions are powerful, it is good to ask questions that do not have as much impact as well. In this way you can drive points home, by answering or playing them up with an explanation.

Do you ask questions of your readers when writing?See I just did it there. It can cause some thought provoking beyond just telling. It allows the reader to pause and attempt to validate?your points.

But does it work?

Well, now that you are experiencing this, you tell me. Are you finding the questions I am asking a benefit or a distraction from the post?

Either way, if they get you to think, then you will become more engaged in the writer’s ideas. Questions are a powerful tool when trying to build?repoire. One important thing to remember is that you do not truly get the responses while writing. If you are posting on a blog, or an open forum, you can get responses in your comments, but you should not wait for them. It is essential to give your thoughts and answer the simpler questions. Leaving too much hanging can confuse the reader of send them in the wrong direction. Send them out to sea with questions and guide them back to shore by answering them.

If your thoughts resonate then they will keep coming back for more. What do you think?

