Easy ways to deliver your content on mobile devices

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What’s your first thought when you see the phrase “mobile world”? Perhaps you no longer think of the planet we are living on and instead, you think of a world of information accessible by mobile devices. Our technology is becoming our world.

“The world will be a mobile world” is not just a saying any more and in fact, the world has been a mobile world and is becoming more and more mobile. Reports (Google Mobile Optimization Webinar)?show that more people will use mobile devices than PCs to get online by the end of 2013.

Do you see the business opportunity for those at the forefront of mobile marketing?

deliver your content on mobile devices

Sensible and foresighted companies have launched mobile marketing campaigns to convert mobile users into customers. Google recently created new search lists called mserps and built mobile elements into Google Analytics to monitor these new search patterns. If you have initiated a digital marketing strategy to reach your prospects, but have not focused on mobile users, you will are leaving a lot of opportunity on the table.

So how do you deliver your content to mobile devices?

Here are a few ways:

1. Make your website mobile-friendly

You spend countless hours optimizing your website content for top ranking on Google, but do you know if your website content is mobile-friendly enough?

Google is demanding that webmasters improve the mobile experience of their site so that visitors can access website content on their mobile devices with ease.

2. Deliver your content via mobile eBook Readers

If you have a lot of content to share, eBooks offer a clean way to push the data to mobile devices. Many people especially writers and publishers love to publish their content on eBooks because of the advantages they offer: small storage requirement, easy to save, easy to access…. And once you generate an eBook, you can enable it to be read on mobile devices via eBook readers like Kindle, Anyview, GGbook.

3. Output APP for mobile devices

While eBooks are a good content delivery method, it is even more convenient to deliver your content on mobile devices without requiring your readers to use a third-party app. Instead you can deliver your content as an app. For example, you can output your content as an APK file, which is an app for Android OS. Readers can download the app and then run it on their mobile devices directly.

4. Publish a mobile version flip book

A flip book is an eBook that pops, and it’s more attractive and interactive because of it virtual page flipping effect. And here at FlipBuilder, we can help you publish wonderful flip books that cannot only be viewed on PCs but also on mobile devices such iPad, iPhone and Android phone. Additionally a flip book can include social sharing features which enable you and your readers to share your content via social networks on mobile devices.

Isn’t it high time you started mobile marketing campaign so you can reach the mobile users?

