Building a following through content – strategic eBook marketing

The beauty of developing good content and packaging it in a way that is appealing to readers is it becomes a valuable asset in building a brand. Especially if you are trying to build a following across social networks like twitter and LinkedIn. It is much easier to engage with potential customers or followers by giving something of value than it is to try and convince them you offer value. So when trying to figure out your growth strategy for 2013, it would be wise to plan at least a couple of eBooks to share.

But gathering up some content and sharing it with the social community is not just a matter of write, wrap and deliver. It requires strategy and planning if you want to create a buzz that generates into returns. You have to start with current and compelling subject matter that will resonate with people that matter to you. Then you have to deliver it in an appealing manner that gets people flipping the pages. Here are a few tips for making your eBook a hit:

  1. Make sure you are sharing something of value. Educate people on how to do something and leave nothing to follow up. By offering something that does not require additional resources to apply, you are building trust. People will appreciate what you share and those that benefit from it will become open to your extended services or offerings.
  2. Tell a story. Use cases and examples that are relevant and can be cited. Quotes from people involved are part of it. People want to hear about success stories that they can relate to. The more you share about real life examples the more your message will resonate.
  3. Make sure your content is attractive. In our instant gratification society you cannot share great content without visual aids. Imagery, video, charts, workflow. It is all critical to presenting your knowledge in a palatable manner.


When it comes to number 3, we can help. Using Flip PDF professional to convert PDF ebooks to elegent flip books, you can embed videos, photo galleries and much more into flip books that are visually appealing and easy to read. As we continue to share great tips on how to better market your content in 2013, we also want to make sure you know all of the benefits of what Flipbuilder offers. What do you want to learn more about in 2013? Comment here and we will do our best to help.


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