7 Remote Teaching Tips for Teachers During Online Teaching

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Remote teaching is now the most used mode of teaching that every teacher is aiming at. But what are the teaching tips that you should know to teach well? What are some things that you should avoid when handling your class? And lastly, how can you ensure that your students are attentive from the start to the end of the session? Below are some remote teaching tips that will help you out.

1. Prepare for two or three days

Never try to avoid the power of preparation. Take two or three days, try your tools, and see how they work. Most remote teachers fail due to a lack of proper preparation. During the preparation, invite some learners, test the microphone, see if the webcam is working, and set a password for your class. Use this time to see other additional features that the remote teaching application you are using has. Read through some remote teaching tips for what other remote teachers do. Make sure that all the examples you will be using are also ready and placed in the right place.

2. Look for simple ways of making your lessons interactive

Things like clapping and some team-building activities are widespread in a physical class where the teachers and the learners are involved. But in an online environment, you are alone. The best way to make your lessons interactive is to add multimedia to your lessons. That is simple work that can be done using Flip PDF Plus Pro. Developed by FlipBuilder, Flip PDF Plus Pro can be used for creating digital textbooks from PDF files for remote teaching. Please read a textbook created by Flip PDF Plus Pro below.

3. Have enough security measures in your remote class

Just like a typical class, make your remote class secure. For instance, set your class in a way that your students can join the group when you are in. That will give you the power to manage and control the class without problems. If possible, have a password for your class so that whoever joins it can enter the password. Send the password to your students using emails some days before the lesson starts. That will prevent intruders from hacking your lessons.

4. Have a quality and working webcam

Among the most crucial remote teaching tips that most remote teachers forget is the use of webcams. Make sure that your webcam is explicit. Nothing is more annoying than struggling to see your students or your students struggling to see you. For proper attention and focus, it is good to maintain eye contact using a high-quality webcam so that your students can remain attentive. Also struggling to hear what you are saying should be avoided at costs. Make sure your microphone is working and clear.

5. Never forget your students

This is among the most forgotten remote teaching tips that many remote teachers forget, failing to consider their students. Online classes are very tiresome and boring if not handled well. When teaching, ensure that you remember that. Make your class short, interactive, and lively. If possible, use Flip PDF Plus Pro to convert PDFs to multimedia-embedded page flip eBooks. Include videos, audio, and images in your books and teaching materials so that they can look attractive and encouraging. Make sure that the lessons are short with some breaks in between.

6. Have an excellent student-teacher relationship

Some students may have a hard time learning online. Have a way of figuring out how to handle such students. Look for ideas that can help you present your lessons transparently. If you can, prepare your students by sending them an email reminding them about the class. Please give them a platform where they can ask questions. You can decide to answer immediately or set aside some time for question answering. Please encourage your students to let them know that you care for them and that you want them to succeed. Reassure that that you are ready to read their emails, and answer their questions within the shortest time possible.

7. Always be present physically and mentally

Your students can learn to concentrate on you. If you have your phone on, they will keep theirs on. Make sure that anything around is intended for teaching. Put your phone off, make your background clear, and place your teaching aids where you can reach them while seated. Lastly, look for a comfortable sitting position and encourage your students to do so. If you note that students are making noise, instruct them to mute their microphones. That will help them concentrate too.


When conducting your online teaching, avoid too many long lectures. This is not the time to read the whole chapter of ten episodes. Ensure that your work is shortened and up to date. Limit the number of words you use and use more pictures and examples. We hope that the above remote teaching tips will assist you in nailing your next remote class. Cheers!

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